Lynn C. Owens, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Ph.D., School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Research Stream: Race, Class, Gender/ International Communication
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Master of Science in Journalism, Medill School of Journalism
Sequence: Broadcast Journalism
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations
Minors in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and History
PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS____________________________________________
Meredith College, Raleigh, NC 2022-Present
Associate Professor of Communication
Duke University, Durham, NC 2017-Present
Adjunct Instructor of Journalism & Public Policy
Dewitt Wallace Center for Media and Democracy
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 2015-2022
Lecturer of Broadcast and Electronic News.
Hussman School of Journalism and Media
William Peace University, Raleigh, NC 2008-2015
Associate Professor of Communication
Communication Department Chair 2012-2014
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 2006-2008
Assistant Professor. School of Mass Communications.
WNCT-TV (CBS), Greenville, NC 2001-2004
Reuters Television, London, England 2001
Technical Producer.
KTNV-TV, Las Vegas 1998-2000
Assistant Producer
PUBLICATIONS (Peer-Reviewed)________________________________________________
Owens, L.C. and Johnson, N. (2024) “Building confidence across Disciplines:
Collaborating with Broadcast Journalism students.” Journal of Media Education. 15(4), 12-18
Wenger, D. & Owens, L.C., (2018). “Realigning journalism education to meet the needs of top
U.S. news companies." Journalism and Mass Communication Educator. 73(1), 18-36.
Wenger, D. & Owens, L.C., (2014). “"HELP WANTED: Mobile journalism skills
required by top U.S. news companies.” Electronic News Journal. 8: 138-149.
Wenger, D. & Owens, L.C., (2013). “An Examination of Job Skills Required by Top U.S.
Broadcast News Companies and Potential Impact on Journalism Curricula.” Electronic News Journal. 7(1), 22-35.
Owens, L.C., Tuggle, C.A., Holman, L. (2012). “Should Certification of Meteorologists Serve as
a Model for Broadcast Journalists?” Electronic News Journal. 5(2), 112-126.
Wenger, D. & Owens, L.C., (2012). “Help Wanted 2010: An Examination of New Media Skills
Required by Top U.S. News Companies.” Journalism and Mass Communication
Educator. 67(1), 9-25.
Wenger, D. & Owens, L.C., (2011). “Help Wanted: An Examination of New Media Skills
Required by Top U.S. News Companies.” The Future of Journalism Education, Training
and Employment. Taylor & Francis.
Owens, L.C., (2009). “Network News: The Role of Race in Source Selection and Story Topic.”
Howard Journal of Communications. 19(4), 355-370.
Wenger, D. & Owens, L.C., (2008). “Resource Allocation & Managerial Oversight of Local
Morning Newscasts.” Electronic News Journal. 2(2), 102-116.
Owens, L.C., (2007). “International News: What Makes College Students Want to Keep
Reading?.” Newspaper Research Journal. 28(1).
Owens, L.C., (2007). “Race in the Television Newsroom: Do On-Air Personalities Reflect the
Communities They Serve?” Electronic News Journal. 1(1), 9-19.
PUBLICATIONS (Non Peer-Reviewed)____________________________________________
Owens, L.C., (2009). “Book Review: China Ink – The Changing Face of Chinese Journalism”
Journalism Studies. 10(1), 135-136.
REFEREED CONVENTION PAPERS______________________________________
Johnson, N & Owens, L.C. (2023, March). “Experiential Learning ‘In,’ Paper Writing ‘Out’: An Accounting and Journalism Collaboration.” North American Accounting Society – MBAA Annual Conference, Chicago.
Wenger, D. & Owens, L.C. (2016, August). “Help Wanted: Expanding Social Media, Mobile,
and Analytics Skills in Journalism Education,” Paper presented at the 2016 AEJMC National Convention, Minneapolis
Wenger, D. & Owens, L.C. (2013, July). “Help Wanted 2012: An Examination of New Media Skills Required by Top U.S. News Companies.”
Paper presented at the 2013 World Journalism Education Congress
-- Winner, 3rd Place, Best Paper
Wenger, D. & Owens, L.C. (2012, August). “Help Wanted 2011: An Examination of New Media Skills Required by Top U.S. News Companies.”
Paper presented at the 2012 AEJMC National Convention, Chicago
Wenger, D. & Owens, L.C. (2010, July). “Help Wanted 2009: An Examination of New Media Skills Required by Top U.S. News Companies.”
Paper presented at the 2010 World Journalism Education Congress, South Africa.
-- Winner, Best Abstract
Wenger, D. & Owens, L.C., (2009, July). “Help Wanted: An Examination of New Media Skills Required by Top U.S. News Companies.”
Paper presented at the 2009 World Journalism Education Congress, Wales, UK.
Owens, L.C., Tuggle, C.A, & Holman, L. (2008, August). “Should Certification of Meteorologists Serve as a Model for Broadcast Journalists?”
Paper presented at the AEJMC National Convention, Chicago, IL.
Owens, L.C. (2007, April). Minorities and Network News: The Role of Race in Source Selection and Story Topic.
Paper presented to the Broadcast Education Association, Las Vegas, NV.
-- Second Place Paper, Multicultural Division.
Carpentier, F.D., & Corney, L. (2006, May). Adolescent Movie Preferences, Mental Health, and Temperament.
Paper presented to the International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.
Corney, L. (2006, March). International News: What Makes Readers Want to Keep Reading?.
Paper presented to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Tuscaloosa, AL.
-- Top Student Paper, Newspaper Division.
Corney, L., & Tuggle, C.A. (2005, April) Race in the Television Newsroom: Are On-Air Personalities Reflecting the Communities They Serve?
Paper presented to the Broadcast Education Association, Las Vegas, NV.
-- First Place Paper in the Debut Competition, Multicultural Division.
Corney, L. (2005, May). Watchdogs or Actors?: Student Perception of Television Journalists.
Paper presented to the International Communication Association, New York, NY.
Corney, L. (2005, March). ’Little Sammy Lee:’ Newspaper Coverage of the First Asian-American Olympic Champion.
Paper presented to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Athens, GA.
Corney, L. (2004, August). Sunshine laws: How are states making lawbreakers pay?
Paper presented to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.
Corney, L. (2004, March). Sunshine laws: An analysis of access in the 50 states.
Paper presented to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Tampa, FL.
SERVICE & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT____________________________
Board of Directors, Radio Television Digital News Association of the Carolinas, (2022-Present)
Board of Directors, Southlight Healthcare, 2023-Present.
Featured Speaker, “Women in Leadership Seminar Series.” St. Mary's School. Raleigh, April 2024.
Convention Speaker, “Finding Your Broadcast Voice.” College Media Association Convention, New York, March 2024.
Convention Speaker, “Looking and Sounding Your Best on Air.” College Media Association Convention, New York, March 2023.
Conference Co-Presenter, “Experiential Learning Case: A Journalism and Accounting Collaboration.” NC State Conference on Faculty Excellence, Raleigh, March 2023.
Speaker, “Voice and Diction.” CBC-UNC Diversity Fellowship Program. Raleigh, March 2023.
Featured Speaker, “Finding Your On-Air Presence.” WBTV Student Workshop. Charlotte, February 2023.
Featured Speaker, “American News Media: Business and Emerging Technology,” NC State Global Training Institute, January 2023.
Conference Moderator, “Surviving and Thriving in Today’s Newsroom,” RTDNAC Annual Conference, Charlotte, November 2022.
Critique Team, MediaFest Journalism Convention, Washington, D.C. October 2022.
Featured Speaker, “Introduction to American News Techniques,” NC State Global Training Institute, January 2022.
Journalism Mentor, U.S. Department of State/International Focus, October 2021.
Program Coordinator, CBC-UNC Diversity Fellowship Program, (2014-2022)
Vice President, Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA), North Carolina Chapter (2011-2014, 2017-2022)
Featured Speaker – “Using Zoom to Do Broadcast Journalism.”
2020 North Carolina Scholastic Media Association Adviser Roundtable.
Judge: 2019 State Education Association Communicator Awards (SEAComm)
Convention Speaker, " The Hidden Language of Video Production" and "Looking and Sounding Your Best On-Air."
2018 National High School Journalism Convention, Chicago, Il.
President, Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA), North Carolina Chapter (2015-2017)
Featured Speaker, “UNC-TV Media Bias Workshop,” December 2017.
Editorial Board, Journal of Communication, 2014.
Panelist, “Dim, Grim or Brighter Than Ever: Professionals and Academics Assess the Future of Broadcast Journalism.,”
2010 Broadcast Educators Association Conference, Elon, NC.
Judge: Tankard Book Awards. 2009 AEJMC Convention.
U.S. Book Review Co-Editor, Journalism Studies. (2006 to 2009)
Editorial Board, Electronic News Journal. (2006 to 2010)
Panelist, “Should Journalists Be Accredited? And Would Accrediting Them Improve Journalism?”
2008 AEJMC National Convention, Chicago, IL.
Judge: 2008 South Carolina Broadcasters Association Star Awards.
2021 Distinguished Service Award, North Carolina Scholastic Media Association.
2018 NewsPro Top Educator Award, “News Professionals Choose 10 Journalism Educators Who are Making a Difference,” Crain NewsPro Magazine, January, 2018.
2015 McCormick Distinguished Teaching Award, William Peace University,
2014 Scripps Howard/AEJMC Social Media Fellowship – C-SPAN, Washington, D.C.
2013 Academic Advisor of the Year, William Peace University.
2003 Regional Edward R. Murrow Award, Best News Documentary: “Eye on Eastern Carolina: The Outlying Landing Field – Ally or Enemy?”
2003 NC Associated Press Award, Best Newscast. Contributed live report.
2003 National Communicator Awards, Honorable Mention. “The Post-War Watch.”
2003 Emmy Nomination, Best Coverage of a Special Event: “9/11, The Day That Changed America.”
2003 Emmy Nomination, Best Weekend Newscast: “Showdown with Saddam.”
Introduction to Mass Communication, Meredith College, 2023-Present
Meredith College Student News (MCSN), Meredith College, 2023-Present
Media Law, Meredith College, 2022-Present
Writing for Media, Meredith College, 2022-Present
Communication Research, Meredith College, 2022- Present
Video Journalism, Duke University, 2017-Present
Producing Television News, “Carolina Week”, UNC Chapel Hill. 2015-2022
Media Ethics, UNC Chapel Hill, 2015-2022
Voice and Diction, UNC Chapel Hill, 2015-2022
Introduction to Digital Storytelling, Web Coding Sections, UNC Chapel Hill, 2017-2022
Introduction to Video Storytelling, UNC Chapel Hill, 2015-2016
Communication Research, William Peace University. 2012-2015
Students learn the fundamentals of research in the mass communication field – from designing quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods studies to applying mass communication theory.
Media and Culture, William Peace University. 2008-2015
A survey course covering the past, present and future of mass communication.
Interactive and Social Media, William Peace University. 2011-2015
Students learn to write and report for Web and social media. Students become local experts in a subject, create and maintain blogs, and promote his/her work through social media.
Writing for the Media I, William Peace University. 2008-2015
Recognize and apply different kinds of media writing, including print journalism, broadcast journalism and public relations. Also emphasized are key concepts such as accuracy, objectivity and attribution.
Writing for the Media II, William Peace University. 2008-2015
Students function as real reporters to produce substantive articles of publishable quality. Assignments are more demanding, and emerging concepts such as media convergence and computer-assisted reporting are addressed.
International Communication, William Peace University 2008-2015
A research course examining the rapid spread of communication technologies and globalization. Focus on international communication’s impact both politically and culturally.
Newspaper, William Peace University. 2008-2015
Developing print reporting skills through practice. Students report, copyedit and layout the Peace College newspaper, The Peace Times. Oversee assignment meetings, editing, ad sales, publication and distribution.
Public Speaking, William Peace University. 2008-2015
Writing for Mass Media, Virginia Commonwealth University. 2006-2008.
Study and practice in fact gathering and development of the basic skills needed for writing for the media. Focus on news writing under deadline, stressing grammar skills and knowledge of current affairs.
Newscasting, Virginia Commonwealth University. Spring 2007, Fall 2007
Developing on-air skills in television studio and field situations. Oversee production of the twice-montly student public affairs program, VCU InSight, airing on Richmond PBS. Emphasize journalistic principles in delivery of news, public affairs, editorial and interviews.
Introduction to Broadcast Writing, Virginia Commonwealth University. 2006-2008.
Developing news writing and reporting skills for television and radio. Course work includes writing assignments and the production of broadcast-quality radio and television stories.
Electronic Journalism I, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Spring/Summer 2005
Introductory broadcast news writing and reporting. Analysis of broadcast journalism; theory and practice in communicating news in oral and visual modes.
Electronic Journalism II, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Fall 2004.
Examination and application of in-depth broadcast news reporting techniques, especially investigative reporting, special events coverage and the documentary.
Producing Television News. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 2003 – 2006.
Worked as an assistant to faculty to produce "Carolina Week," a national award winning student television news program. Assisted students with all production tasks: producing, reporting, anchoring, directing and graphics.
Virginia Commonwealth University Honors Program Lecturer. “Diversity in the Media,” September 2006
Instructor, North Carolina Scholastic Media Institute. Summer 2004 & 2005.
Taught North Carolina high school students broadcast news writing, reporting, shooting, and editing.
Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA)
Broadcast Education Association (BEA)
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)
International Communication Association (ICA)